

events for


creating breakthrOugh

events fOr startups

The network event where superconnectors help startups get the introduction of a lifetime.

Grow your

Each Superconnector is dedicated to help with your breakthrough

on steroids

A networking event as you know it, but more fun and effective


Meet the most exciting startups and superconnectors

Pay it

Sharing our social capital and strenghthening the startup ecosystem

one connection can make or break a company.

Superconnectors is the networking event which breaks away from the usual pitch format. This is the space to discuss critical challenges rather than just achievements.

Founders bring forth their most critical ask and receive bids for game-changing connections from the superconnectors. These well-connected individuals compete in giving the best introductions in their networks to resolve the asks.

how our event wOrks

Image of a startup pitching their critical ask at our event



Selected startups present themselves and share their most critical ask

Image of a superconnector pitching their bid at our event



The audience of superconnectors offer their most relevant connections

Image of a startup and superconnector connecting at our event



Startups choose a connection and it is made immediately

words from our cOmmunity

Alexander BroekmanMarjolein Boer
Irene Rompa

‘‘Networking on steroids! Our promise to founders is ‘Make the network work for you’. And that’s exactly what Superconnectors delivered.

Superconnectors was one of the best events we had during Upstream 2021.’’

Lars Crama
Lars Crama
Private Lead at Up!Rotterdam

"The energy was fun. It was not your typical start-up event. The tension was not related to the founders but more the competition between the Superconnectors.

It was really light-hearted, fun and laughed a lot. Enjoyed it!"

Robin Laird
CEO, Founder Health Curious

"The fact that you brought a group of experienced people with a huge network together provided SO much value. The format makes it great to get the most out of it from the startup's perspective. It is like instead of one rocketship, you get the potential of 10 rocket ships glued together, to get you to the moon!"

Guus van Heijningen
Founder PEAX data

our visiOn

Superconnectors is building the best open-source network to help elevate the most deserving startups.

upcOming events

Superconnectors Dubai



October 15, 2024

Superconnectors Lisbon


Web Summit

November 11, 2024

Superconnectors Helsinki



November 20, 2024

frequently asked questiOns


How can I join as a startup or superconnector?


You can join us by applying!

How are startups and superconnectors selected?


After your application, we will soon reach out to have a chat. If you're applying as a startup, we would to reach out as the relevant event approaches to have a discussion about your critical ask.

Are your events paid?


Superconnectors events are free for both startups and superconnectors to participate in. No bottom line. No equity taken.

If your events are free, how do you make money?


Superconnectors is driven by our awesome partners.


Are you looking for sponsors or partnerships?


We're always looking for ecosystem and event partners around the globe. If that is you - please get in touch with us!

Is press welcome?


Always! Please apply to join us as a partner.

Can I host a Superconnectors event?


Our mission is to become the TED of networking. If you want to keep the movement going, please reach out as a partner and let's see how we can make it happen!




Logo of our partner: Gemeente Rotterdam


Logo of our partner: CitizenM


our 2023 in numbers

Icon of events

20 events

100 startups

Icon of superconnectors

1000 connectors

Icons of connections

100 breakthrough connections

1 annual summit